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Leading provider of online brand protection solutions in India and across the worls. Started in 2017, LdotR was born to help defend brands and businesses from online threats and infringements. LdotR helps businesses be present, protected and prosperous online.

Utilizing the best of technology and human intelligence, LdotR has successfully defended brands against thousands of threats across multiple digital platforms.


InPhamed is one of the leading providers of data and intelligence on intellectual property, clinical trials, drug treatments, regulatory and launched drugs commercial landscape. InPhamed is a trusted, indispensable partner to its customers, including pharmaceutical companies, clinical research organisations and API manufacturers.

InPhamed delivers critical data, information, insights and deep domain expertise. InPhamed information, analysis, insight and consultancy services span drugs, devices, clinical trials and market intelligence.


One of the world's pioneering registry service providers, CentralNic Ltd (a wholly-owned subsidiary of CentralNic Group PLC) provides registry services, distribution, and strategic consultancy for new TLDs, ccTLDs and SLDs.

CentralNic's powerful registry engine has more than 20 years' track record of uninterrupted service, and it is supported by innovative marketing and personal customer service. CentralNic's flexible and scalable platform is above ICANN specification for new TLDs.


Micromedex by Merative provides market-leading performance improvement solutions built on data integrity, advanced analytics and domain expertise.


For more than 40 years, our insights and solutions have been providing hospitals and clinicians, employers and health plans, state and federal government agencies, life sciences companies and policymakers, the facts they need to make confident decisions that directly affect the health and well-being of people and organizations in the US and around the world.


Enerdata is an independent research and consulting firm specialising in the analysis and modelling of the global energy markets and its drivers. Created in 1991, Enerdata now has over 25 years of experience on past and present issues shaping the energy industry.


Enerdata teams are made up of energy experts, analysts, engineers and IT specialists. Capitalising on its databases and forecasting models, Enerdata brings its expertise to cover the political, economic and environmental aspects of energy systems.

The Lens serves global patent and scholarly knowledge as a public resource to make science- and technology-enabled problem solving more effective, efficient and inclusive. A Free, Open and Secure platform for discovery, metrics and analysis of scholarly works and global patents and their relationships. 


EisenVault specialises in providing cost effective, secure and user friendly solutions for simplifying the document management.It is built on open source, innovative and modern architecture allowing flexibility of customisation and stability at the same time. It is feature rich and helps in enhanced collaboration, document security.


The team at EisenVault strives to provide best customer service and support so that you always have access to your documents.

A new, online, introductory training course on how to conduct a systematic review of interventions.​Over 15 hours of self-directed learning on searching, risk of bias, meta-analysis, GRADE and the complete systematic review process, developed by world-leading experts in systematic review methods.

Leading companies in the world partner with us to open new markets for them

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